Intelligence, Inside and Outside.

How To: Django Web App Setup (CLI Only)


  • This guide shows how to create a Django project using only a Command Line Interface. No IDE is used.
  • Django is Python Web Framework. Though it can also be used to build an API



  • Operating System: Ubuntu 18
  • Command Line Interface or Terminal
  • Python 3.6 (or above) is installed
    • For Ubuntu users refer to this guide.
  • Pip and Virtual Env has been installed
    • For Ubuntu users refer to this guide.



01. Navigate or create the project directory

$ cd ~

$ mkdir geek-django-app

$ cd geek-django-app


02. Create and activate a virtual environment

$ python3 -m venv venv

$ source venv/bin/activate


03. Install Django via Pip

(venv) $ pip install django


It will install Django and other required modules. You can view the other Pip modules it installed, using the `pip freeze` command, while the Virtual Environment is activated.

(venv) $ pip freeze


04. Create the project using Django. Note that the project name cannot contain dash. Underscore is valid.

(venv) $ django-admin startproject geek_django_main


05. The file structure will look like


├── geek_django_main

│   ├──

│   ├──

│   ├──

│   └──



06. Running the application. Note that the virtual environment should still be activated.

(venv) $ python geek_django_main/ runserver

It will show the following that says that development server is running.


07. On your browser or use curl from a new command line interface session. Visit the following site.

Or via CURL on a new session

$ curl


08. On the command line session where Django is running, the access log is visible.

Read More  How To: Create A Flask/API Project In Ubuntu

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