Year: 2019


What Would It Mean For AI To Become Conscious?

As artificial intelligence systems take on more tasks and solve more problems, it’s hard to say which is rising faster: our interest in them or our fear of them. Futurist Ray Kurzweil famously predicted that “By 2029, computers will have emotional…

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The AI Revolution Will Be Led By Toasters, Not Droids

Will the intelligent algorithms of the future look like general-purpose robots, as adept at idle banter and reading maps as they are handy in the kitchen? Or will our digital assistants look more like a grab-bag of specialised gadgets – less…

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Huawei Cloud & AI Innovations Lab Launch In Singapore

Huawei announced the launch of Cloud & AI Innovation lab at the Huawei Cloud Summit 2019 in Singapore last April 25. The lab will serve as a venue to train local AI talents. It will also act as a conduit to…

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How To: Create A Flask/API Project In Ubuntu

Prerequisites Operating System: Ubuntu 16 or Ubuntu 18 Python 3.X is installed Python Pip is installed Python Virtual Environment is installed (Optional)   Structure Overview Replace the dotlah_flask_api directory with the project name of your choice. Steps 01. Create the necessary…

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How To: Configure Python Virtual Environment In Ubuntu

Overview This guide/article shows how to install, configure/create and use a Python Virtual environment. Prerequisites Operating System: Ubuntu 16 or greater Python is installed. Python 3.X or 2.X. Steps Check that Python is available on the system. The Python version should…

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How To: Install Python 3.7 In Windows

Prerequisites Operating System: Windows 7 or above   Steps 01. Open a command prompt or PowerShell 02. Check if Python is already installed. Execute the following to determine   A message will be shown if Python is available. 03. Open a…

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How To: Install Python 3.7 In Ubuntu

Prerequisites Operating System : Ubuntu 18   Steps Note: By default most Ubuntu 18 system have Python installed. 01. Open a terminal window 02. Check if Python is already installed. Execute the following to determine. A message will be shown if…

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How To: Install Python 2.7 In Ubuntu

Prerequisites Operating System : Ubuntu 18   Steps Note: By default most Ubuntu 18 system have Python installed. 01. Open a terminal window 02. Check if Python is already installed. Execute the following to determine. A message will be shown if…

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