Month: January 2020


Yara And IBM Launch An Open Collaboration For Farm And Field Data To Advance Sustainable Food Production

Yara International (OSE: YAR), a global leader in crop nutrition and digital farming solutions, and IBM (NYSE: IBM), invite farmer associations, industry players, academia and NGOs from the food and agriculture industry to join a movement to develop an open data exchange that…

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IBM Transforms Workplace Experiences With New AI Capability For Intelligent Real Estate And Facility Management

IBM introduced artificial intelligence (AI) into its TRIRIGA solution to help real estate and facility management professionals better utilize office space and deliver a more engaging workplace experience. TRIRIGA, one of the leading Integrated Workplace Management Systems in the world, includes TRIRIGA Building Insights, and combines occupancy data…

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Open-sourcing Polygames, A New Framework For Training AI Bots Through Self-play

Polygames is a new open-source AI research framework for training agents to master strategy games through self-play, rather than by studying extensive examples of successful gameplay. Because it is more flexible and has more features than previous frameworks, Polygames can help…

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Greater Zurich Area Lays Foundation For AI Solutions Of Tomorrow

For artificial intelligence to prevail, intelligent computing systems that are many times more efficient than today’s standard computers are required. Novel solutions developed in Zurich are driving this revolution – and attracting prominent international partners. Already back in the 1990s researchers…

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Hewlett Packard Enterprise 2020 Predictions: Hybrid Cloud, As-a-Service, And Artificial Intelligence Will Change The Future Of IT

Now that we’ve entered 2020, it’s time to shed light on what the upcoming decade means for our customers, for the technology landscape, and for HPE. In the past decade we’ve seen trends like APIs, big data, containers, IoT, SaaS, software-defined,…

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Feeding The World Responsibly And Sustainably With Artificial Intelligence By ABB And Microsoft

With an increasing global population, the urgency to find new and innovative ways to address food demand is felt around the world. Since 1970, fish farming has existed in the Nordics and developed into a major industry. Norway Royal Salmon (NRS)…

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The Robot That Can Grip Without Touching

ETH Pioneer Fellow Marcel Schuck is developing a robotic gripper that can manipulate small and fragile objects without touching them. The technology is based on sound waves. The small installation that Marcel Schuck has assembled on his workbench is reminiscent of…

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Using AI To Enrich Digital Maps

A model invented by researchers at MIT and Qatar Computing Research Institute (QCRI) that uses satellite imagery to tag road features in digital maps could help improve GPS navigation. Showing drivers more details about their routes can often help them navigate…

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Statistics For Dummies: Indexing And Subsetting In R [Part 2 of 2] : Lists And Data Frames

Last time, we discussed how to index or subset vectors and matrices in R. Now, we will deal with indexing the other commonly used R objects: lists and data frames. Typically, we will not be dealing with data with the level…

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Statistics For Dummies: Indexing and Subsetting In R [Part 1 of 2] : Vectors And Matrices

Previously, we talked about the objects in R and how they are created. Now, we will discuss how information can be extracted from these objects. This process is also known as indexing or subsetting. The ability to access information is important…

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