‘Artificial Intelligence’ or AI has drastically improved the world around us in many different ways. However, there are still many notable concerns with regard to its overall impact on employment all over the globe. Many people have been understandably worried that AI will lead to literally millions of unemployed individuals who might be out on the street in the next few decades. However, that is not really the case because AI doesn’t shut doors so much as open new ones. Let us see how.
The global socio-economic system (as it exists today) is now rapidly entering a phase of highly accelerated transformation towards an artificial intelligence-based setup. The COVID-19 pandemic has also led to people using various AI-based apps to get the jobs done. This includes not just large businesses alone but also governments, markets, education, and social welfare organizations. All of the above will end up being massively impacted.
The Different Types of Jobs, Roles, and Tasks At Risk
Many different tasks and jobs that are considered downright monotonous can be easily automated with the help of advanced AI. In the long run, this will mean that artificial intelligence will slowly and gradually make certain job positions and roles that will become obsolete. For example, various tasks and activities that are directly related to customer care and call center operations, machine operation, discovery and retrieval, content moderation, and document classification are amongst the many roles that can be assigned to AI.
In other words, we can assert that all of those tasks that are repetitive and tedious as well as those that may be substituted by automation will be able to benefit from an increasing AI role. This applies to all those roles that are related to the operation and support of production lines in various factories all over the world. Ultimately, human employees in dangerous roles are being replaced by AI-operated ‘smart robots’ that can safely navigate the dangerous assembly lines of factories. They can work in these lines and find and subsequently move objects (finished products for instance) for onwards packing and transportation). AI-operated systems can also perform certain highly complex assembling operations, in automobile assembly plants. In this respect, artificial intelligence can be an extremely effective way of handling activities that had hitherto been the sole purview of human beings.
Prepping for a Greater AI Role
Here it is pertinent to note that planning and preparing for artificial intelligence will certainly take some time especially from an HR point of view. AI can be used as a recruitment tool as well as an important change management one in places where people are extremely resistant to change. It is the need of the hour to try and ensure that all valuable human resources are always given training over and above their current descriptions and responsibilities. In the long run, this is the key difference between humans and AI.
The Role of AI in PEO services
Many Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs) are now using AI-based solutions to help steadily expanding organizations find the right employees. Moreover, they are also using artificial intelligence to become their Employer of Record (EOR). This means they will be handling all kinds of risk mitigation as well as regulatory requirements in order to ensure fully compliant day-to-day operations. This is irrespective of the nature and size of even a global expansion. In fact, it would not be wrong to assert that going forwards, AI will be the mainstay of many Global PEO operations all over the world.
Apart from the above one of the single most important aspects of being fully prepared when it comes to an AI-based future is the enhancement of one’s own skills and training. If we all take AI seriously and understand that it is the wave of the future; we will be able to generate value-added for both ourselves and the society around us. Thus, we can state that AI is not only very important for PEO services, but it can go on to encompass almost every area of the corporate world.
This piece is republished from hackernoon.