Year: 2021


Characters For Good, Created By Artificial Intelligence

As it becomes easier to create hyper-realistic digital characters using artificial intelligence, much of the conversation around these tools has centered on misleading and potentially dangerous deepfake content. But the technology can also be used for positive purposes — to revive…

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Securing AI Systems With Adversarial Robustness

AI workflows running in the real world can be vulnerable to adversarial attacks. We’re working to help them resist hacks, rooting out weaknesses, anticipating new strategies, and designing robust models that perform as well in the wild as they do in…

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Better Data For Better AI: New Speech Datasets And Benchmarks For Data

AI researchers and engineers need better data to enable better AI solutions. The quality of an AI solution is determined by both the learning algorithm (such as a deep-neural network model) and the datasets used to train and evaluate that algorithm….

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Machine Learning, Google Kubernetes Engine, And More: 10 Free Training Offers To Take Advantage Of Before 2022

We’re continuing to offer learning opportunities at no charge to help you grow your Google Cloud skills. Here are ten training offers you can take advantage of before the end of this year to keep building your knowledge of machine learning,…

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IBM Digital Health Pass Integrating With Healthcare IT Leaders Healthy Returns Practice To Provide COVID-19 Digital Credentials

IBM (NYSE: IBM) Watson Health and Healthcare IT Leaders today announced the integration of IBM Digital Health Pass with Healthcare IT Leaders Healthy Returns, a comprehensive suite of enterprise COVID-19 services. The IBM Digital Health Pass is designed to enable organizations to verify COVID-19 test…

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Giving Bug-Like Bots A Boost

When it comes to robots, bigger isn’t always better. Someday, a swarm of insect-sized robots might pollinate a field of crops or search for survivors amid the rubble of a collapsed building. MIT researchers have demonstrated diminutive drones that can zip around with…

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Stanford Engineers Develop A Robotic Hand With A Gecko-Inspired Grip

Across a vast array of robotic hands and clamps, there is a common foe: the heirloom tomato. You may have seen a robotic gripper deftly pluck an egg or smoothly palm a basketball – but, unlike human hands, one gripper is…

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How IoT Can Help You Grow Your Business

Internet of Things has become quite a buzzword these days. But what exactly is IoT, and how can it help you grow your business to new heights? Internet of Things is one of the pillars of what’s being called the fourth…

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Sir Robert McAlpine Adopts Darktrace AI To Protect Against Email Attacks

Darktrace, a global leader in cyber security AI, today announced that UK building and civil engineering company, Sir Robert McAlpine, has adopted Darktrace’s Self-Learning AI technology to bolster its cyber defenses. Sir Robert McAlpine has over 2,000 employees, and operational hubs…

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Intel Helps Facilitate AI Language Recognition

The annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), two Intel-supported whitepapers on spoken language datasets are being presented. The first paper, The People’s Speech, targets “automatic speech recognition” tasks; the second is Multilingual Spoken Words Corpus (MSWC), which involves “keyword spotting.” Datasets…

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