

Google Cloud Next 2019 | Windows Server Containers in Google Kubernetes Engine

Google Cloud Next 2019 | Hybrid Cloud Sessions Google Cloud Next 2019 | Windows Server Containers in Google Kubernetes E

A Neural Network That Keeps Seeing Art Where We See Mundane Objects

When mundane objects such as cords, keys and cloths are fed into a live webcam, a machine-learning algorithm ‘sees’
Abstract wireframe poly mesh network fading in particle

Machine Learning Is Important, But Some AIs Just Want To Have Fun

This video by the French computer programmer Damien Henry is a clever visual demonstration of machine learning – a t

How To: Django Web App Setup (CLI Only)

Overview This guide shows how to create a Django project using only a Command Line Interface. No IDE is used. Django is

How To Install And Configure Redis In Ubuntu

Overview An In-Memory data structure store Can be used for caching Supports strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets an

The Body Is The Missing Link For Truly Intelligent Machines

It’s tempting to think of the mind as a layer that sits on top of more primitive cognitive structures. We experience o

How To: MongoDB Installation & Configuration In Ubuntu

Overview MongoDB is a document-oriented database Shines with document-based design. Supporting sub-documents as values i

To Be Ethical, AI Must Become Explainable. How Do We Get There?

As over-hyped as artificial intelligence is—everyone’s talking about it, few fully understand it, it might leave

What Would It Mean For AI To Become Conscious?

As artificial intelligence systems take on more tasks and solve more problems, it’s hard to say which is rising fas

The AI Revolution Will Be Led By Toasters, Not Droids

Will the intelligent algorithms of the future look like general-purpose robots, as adept at idle banter and reading maps

Huawei Cloud & AI Innovations Lab Launch In Singapore

Huawei announced the launch of Cloud & AI Innovation lab at the Huawei Cloud Summit 2019 in Singapore last April 25.

How To: Create A Flask/API Project In Ubuntu

Prerequisites Operating System: Ubuntu 16 or Ubuntu 18 Python 3.X is installed Python Pip is installed Python Virtual En