Year: 2019


How Quantum Computing Could Beat Climate Change

Advances in quantum computing could help us simulate large complex molecules. These simulations could uncover new catalysts for carbon capture that are cheaper and more efficient than current models. We can currently simulate small molecules up to a few dozen qubits…

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How Two Robots Learned To Grill And Serve The Perfect Hot Dog

The list of things robots can do seems to be growing by the week. They can play sports, help us explore outer space and the deep sea, take over some of our boring everyday tasks, and even assemble Ikea furniture. Now…

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The Next AI Frontier – Software That Writes Software

Depending on your opinion, Artificial Intelligence is either a threat or the next big thing. Even though its deep learning capabilities are being applied to help solve large problems, like the treatment and prevention of human and genetic disorders, or small…

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What Is Adversarial Artificial Intelligence And Why Does It Matter?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is quickly becoming a critical component in how government, business and citizens defend themselves against cyber attacks. Starting with technology designed to automate specific manual tasks, and advancing to machine learning using increasingly complex systems to parse data,…

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We Have Greater Moral Obligations To Robots Than To Humans

Down goes HotBot 4b into the volcano. The year is 2050 or 2150, and artificial intelligence has advanced sufficiently that such robots can be built with human-grade intelligence, creativity and desires. HotBot will now perish on this scientific mission. Does it…

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Are We Well-Equipped Against Fraudulent Biometrics Authentication?

The biometrics industry is booming as of late. A world dominated by biometric systems will be convenient and cost-saving for us. However, in light of the security attacks that we have experienced over the past years, security is a highly valid…

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What Science Fiction Tells Us About Our Trouble With AI

AI, as conceived of in popular culture, does not yet exist, even if autonomous and expert systems do. Smartphones might not be supercomputers, but they are called “smartphones” for good reason, in terms of how their operating systems function. Equally, we…

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It Could Be Time To Start Thinking About A Cybernetic Bill Of Rights

Like it or loathe it, the robot revolution is now well underway and the futures described by writers such as Isaac Asimov, Frederik Pohl and Philip K. Dick are fast turning from science fiction into science fact. But should robots have…

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IBM AI Innovations Sharpen Risk Detection In Identity Management

IBM Security announced last 10 December 2019 that it is extending its artificial intelligence (AI) technology originally developed to protect users in the financial services industry, to clients in all industries via the company’s identity-as-a-service (IDaaS) offering. IBM Cloud Identity now…

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Using Machine Learning Tools To Reveal How Memories Are Coded In The Brain

Researchers working in The N.1 Institute for Health at the National University Of Singapore (NUS), led by Assistant Professor Camilo Libedinsky from NUS Psychology, and Senior Lecturer Shih-Cheng Yen from the Innovation and Design Programme at NUS Engineering, have discovered that a population of…

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