Month: August 2019


Microsoft Build 2019 | From Zero to AI Hero–Automatically generate ML models using Azure Machine Learning

Microsoft Build 2019 | From Zero to AI Hero–Automatically generate ML models using Azure Machine Learning Session ID: BRK3009   Automated ML is an emerging field in Machine Learning that helps developers and new data scientists with little data science knowledge…

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Artificial Intelligence Is Growing Up Fast: What’s Next For Thinking Machines?

Our lives are already enhanced by AI – or at least an AI in its infancy – with technologies using algorithms that help them to learn from our behaviour. As AI grows up and starts to think, not just to learn,…

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Microsoft Build 2019 | Want to *actually* do machine learning? Wrangle data build models and deploy them

Microsoft Build 2019 | Want to *actually* do machine learning? Wrangle data build models and deploy them Session ID: BRK2005   Everyone wants to do machine learning, but what does it actually take to make it a reality? Azure Machine Learning…

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Living With Artificial Intelligence: How Do We Get It Right?

Powerful AI needs to be reliably aligned with human values. Does this mean that AI will eventually have to police those values? This has been the decade of AI, with one astonishing feat after another. A chess-playing AI that can defeat…

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Microsoft Build 2019 | Building Autonomous Systems with Machine Teaching

Microsoft Build 2019 | Building Autonomous Systems with Machine Teaching Session ID: THR3006   Building autonomous systems with traditional Machine Learning techniques is difficult. Machine Teaching is a new approach to building intelligence using deep reinforcement learning. Come to this session…

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Microsoft Build 2019 | Introducing AI-driven content understanding with Cognitive Search and Cognitive

Microsoft Build 2019 | Introducing AI-driven content understanding with Cognitive Search and Cognitive Session ID: BRK2001   Come learn how to apply AI to understand your business documents. Cognitive search allows you to apply AI (Cognitive Skills) to your data to…

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Artificial Intelligence Could Help Data Centers Run Far More Efficiently

MIT system “learns” how to optimally allocate workloads across thousands of servers to cut costs, save energy. A novel system developed by MIT researchers automatically “learns” how to schedule data-processing operations across thousands of servers — a task traditionally reserved for…

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Why Banning Autonomous Killer Robots Wouldn’t Solve Anything

Autonomous weapons – killer robots that can attack without a human operator – are dangerous tools. There is no doubt about this fact. As tech entrepreneurs such as Elon Musk, Mustafa Suleyman and other signatories to an open letter to the…

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US Intelligence Finally Revealed Their Classified AI Program Called Sentient

National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) recently released declassified documents, unveiling an AI program known as Sentient. What is Sentient? Think of Sentient as a man-made brain. Sentient is a top-secret military AI system that American Intelligence agencies have been developing since 2010….

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The Future Of Robotics Is Soft And Squishy

Whenever we think of robots, we think of hunks of metal. Robots definitely changed the way we do things in fields such as manufacturing and even healthcare. However, recent developments in robotics show that soft, rubbery robots will let us take…

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