Day: December 7, 2020


Shrinking Massive Neural Networks Used To Model Language

You don’t need a sledgehammer to crack a nut. Jonathan Frankle is researching artificial intelligence — not noshing pistachios — but the same philosophy applies to his “lottery ticket hypothesis.” It posits that, hidden within massive neural networks, leaner subnetworks can…

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One of Intel’s Nahuku boards, each of which contains 8 to 32 Intel Loihi neuromorphic chips, shown here interfaced to an Intel Arria 10 FPGA development kit. Intel’s latest neuromorphic system, Poihoiki Beach, annuounced in July 2019, is made up of multiple Nahuku boards and contains 64 Loihi chips. Pohoiki Beach was introduced in July 2019. (Credit: Tim Herman/Intel Corporation)

Update On Intel’s Neuromorphic Ecosystem Growth And Progress

What’s New: Intel shared an update on progress within the Intel Neuromorphic Research Community (INRC). The group has grown rapidly since its inception in 2018 and now includes more than 100 members, with Intel announcing today the addition of Lenovo, Logitech, Mercedes-Benz…

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