How Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligence can bring benefits to your business.
I like to say that I was born in Information Technology (IT) from my career perspective. I had my adolescence when Cloud Computing (Cloud) was the hot word and emerging technology. Now, I am entering my adult life with Artificial Intelligence (AI). Hopefully, I will live my third age and my retirement with art and philosophy, but we still have a lot of time for that.
And across these years, I saw how AI and Cloud Computing had transformed humanity, both in consumer relations and social and professional habits.
Most people and businesses experience these technologies, either separately or in combination, without realizing how much they influence their daily routines, whether professional, consumer, social, or entertainment-related.
For businesses, the relationship between AI and Cloud results in competitive advantages that accelerate processes and procedures, putting the company on the same level as the market’s major players, making it strategically competitive and technologically well structured.
But do you understand how these technologies interact with one another? Do you comprehend the advantages of this union? Let’s try to find out!
Exploring the relation between AI and Cloud Computing today.
According to Deloitte Global’s forecasts, we can analyze some important numbers:
- In 2020, 87% of companies were forecasted to use artificial intelligence;
- In companies that were forecasted to integrate artificial intelligence services in the Cloud:
- 70% will import resources through software
- 65% will start creating applications
Even though 2021, many people believe that artificial intelligence is still a thing of the future. After all, we are using cloud computing; everyone who owns a smartphone is now directly connected to the Cloud. Many users already use synchronized apps and store data outside of their devices.
AI goes unnoticed because it is mainly used to provide analysis and behavioral patterns, and the user only notices the results of this technology’s performance.
However, the relationship between AI and the Cloud can transform business in productivity and efficiency.
This technological advancement, resulting from the relationship between AI and the Cloud, presented a true revolution in businesses. It enabled the creation of the so-called Smart Cloud linked with machine learning resources.
If you prefer, the intelligent Cloud, or cloud AI, generally comes in two flavors: cloud machine learning platforms and Cloud AI services.
This collaboration expands our capacity to explore business opportunities by providing a robust, well-defined, assertive, and unlimited (due to the Cloud) database to handle and use strategically.
Furthermore, the relationship between artificial intelligence and cloud computing impacts business because it enables automatic transaction identification and allocation, anomaly detection, and predictive solutions’ continuous development.
Exploring the concept of cloud-based artificial intelligence
In practice, an AI-powered cloud environment learns from the data it collects, makes predictions, and solves potential problems before the user even notices them.
These technologies lead us to the strong conclusion that cloud computing and artificial intelligence are increasingly merging. The cloud and machine learning play a role in our daily lives, as we are accustomed to dealing with intelligent assistants such as:
- Microsoft’s Cortana;
- Apple’s Siri;
- Amazon’s Alexa;
- Google Assistant is a virtual assistant that can help you (Google).
To fully grasp the concept underlying this technological marriage, keep in mind that the many database servers that use cloud technology keep the information that an AI always requires available, whether for access or use in decision making and learning.
However, as artificial intelligence learns, it can send this new information back to the Cloud, assisting other AIs in learning. We have achieved computing power and the ability to handle a large number of data sets at the same time thanks to the Cloud.
How can Cloud computing benefit from AI-based solutions and vice versa?
We live in the post-digital transformation era, where companies and customers share a common characteristic of immediacy. Let’s explore some of the main benefits of the relationship between AI and the Cloud:
Agile Development
The integration of artificial intelligence and cloud computing promotes the agile development of solutions, ensuring the efficiency of processes and minimizing error rates, both critical factors for fast and assertive deliveries, which is what companies and customers want.
Team Integration
Another benefit of combining artificial intelligence and cloud computing is team integration. For DevOps teams, the Cloud enables full sharing (managed according to the network’s hierarchy of users) of data between sectors, assisting teams in their work and facilitating information exchange.
Leverage Data
The collaboration of artificial intelligence in the Cloud is required to gain unprecedented access to data. With high capacity, AI systems can be fed with significantly more data. And it is precisely this that causes systems to learn what they require to provide more assertive information to businesses.
Compared to traditional data storage, which is hosted on servers at businesses, cloud environments can support much more extensive data volumes without a physical environment’s traditional difficulties.
AI enables extensive data management, and cloud computing maximizes information security, making it possible to deal with massive amounts of data in a programmed manner to analyze them properly, allowing the business to leverage information that has been “mined” and filtered to meet each need.
AI can also be used to transfer data between on-premises and cloud environments. Continuous accessibility and connectivity, for example, are critical in a hybrid cloud environment. Organizations will be able to manage and control data like never before, thanks to this connectivity.
Companies that use AI in conjunction with cloud data solutions are more likely to scale their applications to set industry standards and drive innovation by maximizing their existing assets.
Another important consideration is the possibility of intelligent automation enabled by AI where the Cloud’s use is simplified because AI automation performs tasks using previously established predictive algorithms, making actions more specific and analytical.
When a company connects data in the Cloud, it can quickly identify trends and patterns across multiple data sets. As a result, cloud artificial intelligence elevates data analysis to a new level.
AI learns from historical data in a cloud environment, identifies current standards, and makes recommendations. During data analysis, this automated process eliminates human errors.
With this change, AI significantly accelerates data analysis, benefiting both an organization and its customers with decision-making tailored to the operation’s actual needs.
Cost Savings
Probably the most compelling reason to begin using artificial intelligence in the Cloud is the simple cost savings that this technology offers. A cloud model enables businesses to purchase only the storage they require, as and when they require it. This eliminates traditional infrastructure costs.
With this model, an organization can use the cost savings to fund the development of AI. And, without the need for physical data centers, the cost of projects is significantly reduced.
Companies also create environments based on individual business needs, keeping in mind that cloud solutions are not one-size-fits-all. Each environment may appear slightly different, but they all offer cost savings that promote AI development and growth.
For businesses to evolve and remain profitable, technology like Artificial intelligence and cloud-based applications must be widely implemented and adopted.
As we can see, AI and the Cloud together can deliver greater efficiency, productivity, and digital security, both in terms of the information handled and the accuracy of the AI-structured processes and procedures.