

How To: Configure Python Virtual Environment In Ubuntu

Overview This guide/article shows how to install, configure/create and use a Python Virtual environment. Prerequisites O

How To: Install Python 3.7 In Windows

Prerequisites Operating System: Windows 7 or above   Steps 01. Open a command prompt or PowerShell 02. Check if Pyt

How To: Install Python 3.7 In Ubuntu

Prerequisites Operating System : Ubuntu 18   Steps Note: By default most Ubuntu 18 system have Python installed. 01

How To: Install Python 2.7 In Ubuntu

Prerequisites Operating System : Ubuntu 18   Steps Note: By default most Ubuntu 18 system have Python installed. 01

The Benefits And Risk Of Artificial Intelligence

WHAT IS AI? From SIRI to self-driving cars, artificial intelligence (AI) is progressing rapidly. While science fiction o

Using AI to Solve Complex Global Supply Chain Management Challenges

Companies are starting to apply artificial intelligence across global supply chain management to improve efficiency, s

The Future Of AI Revenue : Top 10 Use Cases For AI In The Next Decade

Artificial intelligence already impacts many aspects of our daily lives at work, at home, and as we move about. Over the

The Seven Deadly Sins Of AI Predictions

Mistaken extrapolations, limited imagination, and other common mistakes that distract us from thinking more productively

Dungeons & Dragons, Not Chess & Go : Why AI Needs Roleplay

Everyone had died – not that you’d know it, from how they were laughing about their poor choices and bad rolls of th

When Artificial Intelligence Rules The City

When we think of the city of the future, we might think about flying cars and scenes from “Star Trek” or “The Je

Everyone Is Talking About AI—But Do They Mean the Same Thing?

In 2017, artificial intelligence attracted $12 billion of VC investment. We are only beginning to discover the usefulnes

These 7 Disruptive Technologies Could Be Worth Trillions of Dollars

Scientists, technologists, engineers, and visionaries are building the future. Amazing things are in the pipeline. It’