Year: 2020


Statistics For Dummies: Introduction To R Objects

R is a programming language and software environment designed with statistical computing in graphics in mind. In R, information is stored in entities called objects. It’s through these objects that you can perform data manipulations, operations, and analysis in R. Here,…

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Here Are 3 Ways Artificial Intelligence Will Change Healthcare By 2030

It’s a typically cold day in January 2030 and the peak of flu season. At this time of year a decade ago, clinics and doctor’s offices would be overflowing with sick people waiting to be seen; today, clinicians and patients move…

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Tech Firms Are Winning The AI Race Because They Understand Data – Other Sectors Need To Catch Up

Artificial intelligence is already powering much of the technology helping to drive the modern economy. AI is now an essential part of how we use the internet but can also be found in stock exchanges, advanced factories and automated warehouses. It…

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What Is It To Be Bayesian? The (Pretty Simple) Math Modelling Behind A Big Data Buzzword

If you’ve ever tripped up over the term ‘Bayesian’ while reading up on data or tech, fear not. Strip away the jargon and notation, and even the mathematics-averse can make sense of the simple yet revolutionary concept at the core of…

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The Autonomous Killing Systems Of The Future Are Already Here, They’re Just Not Necessarily Weapons – Yet

When the discussion of “autonomous weapons systems” inevitably prompts comparisons to Terminator-esque killer robots it’s perhaps little surprise that a number of significant academics, technologists, and entrepreneurs including Stephen Hawking, Noam Chomsky, Elon Musk, Demis Hassabis of Google and Apple founder…

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Abstract Thinking Makes Robots Better Planners

Researchers have developed a method for helping robots plan for multi-step tasks by constructing abstract representations of the world around them. Their study is a step toward building robots that can think and act more like people. Planning is a monumentally…

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How To Spot A Deepfake

Just when you thought modern life couldn’t get any crazier, a video emerged during the run-up to the recent UK election, in which the Prime Minister Boris Johnson appeared to endorse his political opponent Jeremy Corbyn. “Appeared” is the important word here, because…

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Robogamis Are The Real Heirs Of Terminators And Transformers

Ask anyone what image comes to mind when you say the word ‘robot’, and there’s no doubt you’ll receive responses inspired by popular culture. For example, the liquid metal, shape-shifting T-1000 from the movie Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991); or Optimus…

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Would You Want A Personal AI That Knows Everything About You?

 A couple years ago I took part in a marketing video where I was recorded answering questions about my career path, interests, and goals. The next day, the videographer offered to show me the footage, so I took him up…

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CES 2020 Wraps: AI And 5G Define The Future Of Innovation

CES® 2020 wrapped up on January 10, following a week filled with over 20,000 product debuts unveiling the future of technology. More than 4,400 exhibiting companies launched their latest tech products to some 170,000 attendees across more than 2.9 million net square…

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