Year: 2023


Learn To Code With My Retro Computer Program

I wrote an educational retro computer called the Toy CPU so that my students could learn about machine language. I teach university courses part-time, including a class about general computing topics, open to all majors. This is an introductory course that…

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6 Ways To Help The Manufacturing Sector Embrace AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help manufacturers overcome supply chain shocks and economic headwinds. The manufacturing sector is struggling to harness the value AI can bring. A new report highlights barriers to AI in factories – and solutions for implementation. A step-by-step…

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Paper and Pen

AI Ethics: An Abrahamic Commitment To The Rome Call

The three Abrahamic religions launch an appeal for an ethical development of artificial intelligence  VATICAN CITY, 10th January 2023 “We have gathered with our Jewish and Muslim brothers in an event of great importance to call upon the world to think and…

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4 Pillars For Using AI Responsibly In A Skill-Based Organization

As the world moves towards skill-based workforces more companies are drawing on AI to support them with this. This makes it crucial for AI to be used responsibly: without clear oversight, systemic biases will worsen in workforces and employee trust will…

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Teaching an AI to beat video games still takes human imagination

Digital workers are intelligent software bots that automate everyday business processes like data entry, invoicing, or system queries. They will take over many repetitive and mundane tasks, creating new opportunities for businesses and workers. People aren’t just more productive when they…

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IT Prediction: AI Could Help Realize The Dream Of The Four-Day Work Week

Editor’s note: This post is part of an ongoing series on IT predictions from Google Cloud experts. Check out the full list of our predictions on how IT will change in the coming years.   Prediction: AI will be the primary…

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New Quantum Computing Architecture Could Be Used To Connect Large-Scale Devices

Quantum computers hold the promise of performing certain tasks that are intractable even on the world’s most powerful supercomputers. In the future, scientists anticipate using quantum computing to emulate materials systems, simulate quantum chemistry, and optimize hard tasks, with impacts potentially…

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This Is Your Brain. This Is Your Brain On Code

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), which measures changes in blood flow throughout the brain, has been used over the past couple of decades for a variety of applications, including “functional anatomy” — a way of determining which brain areas are switched…

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AI Needs To Serve People, Science, And Society

Artificial intelligence offers great promise, but we must ensure it does not deepen inequalities. Today we are setting out our vision for AI@Cam, a new flagship mission at the University of Cambridge.   Artificial intelligence today is ubiquitous. It is deployed…

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Book: AI Is Cool, But Nowhere Near Human Capacity

In 2020, Elon Musk said artificial intelligence would surpass human intelligence within five years, on its way to becoming “an immortal dictator.” A new book says no way, not ever. The book, Why Machines Will Never Rule the World: Artificial Intelligence without…

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